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Guest Post: A Successful Website Blends Art & Science

Writer's picture: Alethea CopelasAlethea Copelas

Most of us aspire to have a website that looks beautiful and professional. One that reflects our brand personality and is pleasing to the eye. There’s a lot of creativity and art design involved in a successful website and a bit of science involved too! 

In this blog, you’ll see how art and science combine and complement each other to provide you with a successful website that’s stunning and effective in helping you reach your ideal clients and business goals. 

What makes a website successful? 

Depending on the unique goals for your website, what deems it a “success” may look different for you than for someone else. 

Here are some elements the most successful websites include and what the potential outcome could be with each: 

  1. Purpose - Your website tells your users why this should matter to them in the first place, what you can help them with, and what steps to take next. It has a clear focus on the user. 

  2. Content - We’ll get into this more later, but a successful website contains content that’s tailored to you and your business and the clients/customers you’re trying to reach. This means the content should be fresh, interesting, relevant, succinct, and ideally updated regularly! 

  3. Intuitive Design - The most successful websites are simple, easy-to-navigate and functional. Many people navigate websites on their mobile devices so ensuring it’s mobile-friendly is a key. 

  4. SEO - Great SEO (search engine optimization) helps search engines steer new clients and customers your way, and over time, can increase traffic and leads to your site. 

  5. Trust and Rapport - Trust may not be easily quantifiable but it’s fundamental to a successful website. Building trust and rapport on a website helps show expertise, reliability, and a commitment to your clients and customers. 

The Science of a Successful Website 

As a small business copywriter, I work closely with your website designer to incorporate both art and science in the design and copy of your website. Great copy is a little more involved than having Chat GPT or another AI tool write your pages for you. No shame if that’s been your M.O. up til’ now, you can always change your tune and bring in the professionals! 

On the copy side of things, all successful websites start with research… 

I start by researching you and your business. I’ve got questions, and chances are, so does your ideal client! I dive in by listening and learning to discover what you do, how you help, how long you’ve been in business, why you started, and more about your unique personality and way of doing things. 

I want to know all about what makes you the best choice for your clients and customers. 

Then, I scope out some of your “competitors”. This isn’t so that we can copy what they’re doing, it’s so I can see what's working (or not) for others in your industry. What’s the common lingo and vernacular? Is it effective or is it jargon? What’s driving people to choose them vs. you? What opportunities are there for me to set you apart as different and unique?

The super sciencey stuff… SEO. If you’re looking to increase traffic and leads to your site, you’re not going to want to ignore SEO in your copy. I do ample research, and incorporate best SEO practices (whenever possible) in your website copy so your website doesn’t just look, feel, and sound beautiful… it’s also effective and successful in helping you grow your business! 

Structure and Flow. There’s a science behind guiding people through your website and helping them navigate through it with ease. I carefully consider the services you offer and the actions you most want people to take. Working hand-in-hand with your website designer, I lay out your copy to ensure your website is more than just a landing spot, it’s an experience. 

Let’s Not Forget the Art!

You don’t need me to tell you that great writing is a creative act and takes an artistic touch. The best part of the craft? We use YOUR personality as our color palette! 

Your Unique Essence. I write a website that’s reflective of YOU. It’s true to your voice, personality, and a reflection of what it feels like to work with you. You’re one in eight billion, and when a website is infused with what makes you distinct, we’ll create a memorable masterpiece unlike anyone else who does what you do. 

Storytelling. Your clients and customers want to see you, and they also want to see themselves. Using the power of storytelling and specific language, we spark their curiosity to life as they begin to see their own stories reflected back to them. 

Less is More. As with most works of art, less is more. A successful website gives a lot of information in a concise, succinct way. It says it all, without saying too much. 

With a blend of art and science infused into your copy, I hand it over to your website designer and let her work her magic for you too! 

One thing I love about collaborating with website designers like Alethea Copelas of Inspired Website Design is that at every step of the process, we work closely together to ensure your website is a success! Our goal is that it’s beautiful, shows your unique difference, and is unforgettable - just like YOU and the individuals you work with! 

Guest Blogger Bio: 

Emily Aborn, copywriter

Emily Aborn is a small business copywriter specializing in helping relationship-based small businesses refine their message and grow their impact. Emily takes the mission, vision, and ideas in your head and weaves them into a creative, compelling, copy that connects to your ideal clients and reflects YOU. 

An entrepreneur for over a decade, Emily’s collaborated with 1,000’s of individuals in over 100 industries for their marketing and copywriting. She brings their personality, creativity, and message to life as she guides them to build community and relationship-based businesses. For fun, she enjoys word games, reading, listening to podcasts, and hiking with her husband, Jason, and their dog, Clyde. 

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